Dr. Kiran R konda

Fellow In Minimal Invasive Surgery - Gyanecology

About Doctor

Dr. Kiran R. Konda is fellow at Altius Hospital, Rajajinagar, specialising in Minimal Invasive Surgery in Gyaneoclogy with keen interest in High Risk Obstetrics , Laparoscopy Surgeries & Gynaecological Oncology

About Doctor

Dr. Akshaya S is a Consultant Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist at Altius Hospital, Rajajinagar Bangalore. She has 10 years of experience in Infertility. Her aim is to help the infertile couples to have a baby. Her core expertise is in Reproductive Medicine, Hysteroscopic Procedures & Fertility enhancing Laparoscopic Surgeries. She Worked as a fellow for 18 months under Dr. Vidya Bhat Assisted Laparoscopic, Hysteroscopic procedures and Infertility procedures.